
midwest trip - bits & pieces from the house

As the final installment of this blog's photo documentation of our grand trip to the great Midwest *adds final heaping of sarcasm*, I've just sort of thrown together some favorite pictures Jared & I took around my grandparents' house.

This child is hours of entertainment.
& also a little Nicole Kidman baby.
She loves me. PROMISE.
So much essential + glorious St. Louis food happening in this picture.
Jared found himself morally opposed to most of the above, but whatevs.
Grandma was more than slightly smitten.

Sarcasm aside, these final images capture the family time that really made this trip a gem. Growing up is such a funny thing. It was such fun to explore St. Louis as an adult - Which seems to have been my take-away thought from this trip, as it's come up in almost every post. I have so long awaited getting to show Jared my grandparents' house & yard where so many memories took place (& let's face it, anything that can help him understand my antics is considered a useful life tool).  Even though I was returning to Missouri as a married adult, it was refreshing to spend a few days in their house, constantly being offered pink lemonade & being asked if we need anything, a cookie? Ice-cream? (True story. Professional grandma status.)

But mostly? Watching my grandparents meet their first great-grandchild is a moment I hope I never forget. Seeing their love-from-afar validated the minute they met my niece was completely priceless. Grandparents becoming great-grandparents is a precious thing. Grandparents are precious things. & we can grow up all we want, & bring them as many great-grandbabies as possible, but it's still the same dynamics when our extended family (on both sides) gets together... & I will always say yes to the cookie.

[I have to warn you - There may be a video of this trip in the near future, but it seriously depends on how much I feel like procrastinating. We'll see.]


  1. You are so cute and so is the baby!!

    1. Thank-you, lady! She certainly doesn't help with my constant state of baby fever!


because lezz be frandz.