
a friday evening

it's been a big week in the bethune home. in the midst of finishing his two weeks at his coffee shop job, jared dove in head first to helping open a brand spankin' new juice bar down at the beach. in the midst of working long hours at BOTH jobs, he managed to find the perfect car for us at the perfect price while I ran around at six events last weekend. he is a good man. he's a great man. & I'm totally missing him.

busy, crazy, see-you-next-week-maybe?-love-you! season has definitely started. but I'm desperately trying to embrace this season of life & know that every moment of it leads to our Something Greater. 

in the mean time, I have four days off from work that started at 5 p.m. today, & I've so far spent my friday evening cleaning & anticipating the "I'm on my way home!" phone call. I hereby declare this weekend STAYCATION 2012. 

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because lezz be frandz.